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15 Feb 2000.
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Education World Wide Online's Australia Edition
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Education on the internet can mean different things to different people. You can travel to universities around the world, or drop in on a local school. You can research, enroll in and graduate from a course without ever visiting an actual location. Alternatively, you just might find yourself using the web to help with your homework.

The research value of the internet is well established and increasingly, the web is becoming a tool for teaching. So whether you're at primary school or university, whether you're teaching or learning, you may find your educational experience enhanced by a visit to a "virtual school".

Universities and other educational institutions have driven the development of the internet, so expect some really interesting and innovative sites, along with some serious information. So we search for them and present you this edition.

Shrinath N. 
C.E.O. EWW Online.


Coming Soon

Education Network Australia (EdNA)
The goal of EdNA is to provide a national framework for helping the educational community use the new information technologies. It is an ambitious project and is still developing. It is already, however, a very valuable tool for finding other internet-based education resources in Australia.

EdWeb contains a suite of fully searchable databases of resources for Australian education. Each database provides important information on a different sector within the education environment. The Education Resource Bank catalogues print media, videotapes, CD-ROMs, web sites, excusions, information presentations, kits, games and performances. The National Education Directory lists professional development providers for education and the online contact details of the key Australian education bodies.

Open Learning - Radio National
The ABC provides high quality educational programs as part of the national Open Learning initiative. Open Learning, aired on ABC TV and Radio National, is growing in popularity in Australia. The Open Learning page on the ABC site features a brand-new course Wish You Were Here: Australian Tourism Studies. These programs represent a unique creative partnership between Radio National's specialist broadcasters, the academic community and ABC Online. Listen in on streaming audio and experience a multimedia education.

Australian Universities
Want to check out that university but don't have the time or the dollars to go there yourself? This page is simple and direct. A list of links will take you to the homepage of any university in Australia that you might want to visit. If you've always had a hankering to study overseas, let the internet take you there. You'll also find a link to an impressive list of universities around the world.

TAFE - Technical and Further Education 
Australia's largest educational institution - TAFE NSW - has an excellent online presence, and includes the Open Training and Education Network (OTEN). Alternatively, check out Education International's list of TAFEs in other states.

ABC Schools TV
The ABC broadcasts television programs for primary and secondary schools between 10.00am and 12.00 noon week-days. This site includes current schedules and program information and summaries of new programs, as well as resources and information to support the programs.

Vital Systems
Vital Systems looks at the major systems of the human body. This is the website which complements the TV series. It is designed for students and teachers with curriculum related information, useful resources and learning activities. Vital Systems is a science series with health related issues, for lower-middle secondary school students.
This is a sophisticated search engine that allows an extensive search for anything to do with educational institutions in Australia.

StudyLink Australia
StudyLink offers comprehensive information on over 200 Australian educational institutions, including TAFE colleges and universities and more than 8,500 courses. You can search by institution or by course, and you can request more information about them. While obviously aimed at an international market, StudyLink is a very useful site for anyone interested in studying in Australia.

South Australia Central - Education
If it's in South Australia and it's to do with education this is the place to start your search. Find out about plans for the future of education and online learning, delve into distance education or explore a local primary school. This site is as clean and well ordered as the streets of Adelaide. 


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What can be found on Au.internet too..

The Western Australian Government brings practical information for students in primary, high school and beyond. This site examines bullying, drugs, the law, "how to live with your parents" and a host of other issues that can stand between young people and education. In establishing .u, they did their research and it shows. This is a site with bite which may just help you to survive that education.
.u offers information for learning and life in a manner which understands and engages with both youth and internet culture.

Have you ever wondered what it was like to go to school in the far North of Australia? Perhaps you already know, but if not, BushNet can give you a window into the world of those who do. The BushNet schools are in Far North Queensland, Australia. The smallest school, in Irvinebank, has a single teacher-principal and eight students.


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The Montage project
Created by the British Council, Montage is a large collection of web-based educational projects linking British and Australian schools and students. There are many opportunities for interaction and a lot of resources for educators. 

Oz Kidz Internaut Cyber Centre
Take a look at what a collective of Australian school children and their inspired teachers can come up with - a resource about many aspects of Australia for school kids around the world to see and to utilise. Includes information on animals, school internet projects, natural disasters and general information about Australia.

Education World Wide Au. Edition Network Partners
ABC Online
Australian Broadcasting Corporation has helped us find the right resources about education in Australia. Austalians support our educational mission.
For a list of all our international supporters.. Click Here.
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